Solving the Majority Puzzle: Unleashing the Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm

Solving the Majority Puzzle: Unleashing the Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm

Algorithm to the popular Majority Element problem

📍 Introduction

In many scenarios, we often encounter problems that require us to find the majority element in a given sequence. The majority element is defined as the element that appears more than half the time in the sequence. The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm is an elegant and efficient solution to this problem, offering a linear time complexity of O(N) and constant space complexity of O(1). In this blog post, we will explore the Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm, understand its underlying principles, and showcase its practical applications.

📍Understanding the Problem

Before diving into the algorithm itself, let's define the problem at hand. Given an array A of size N, we want to identify if there exists a majority element, and if so, determine what that element is. The majority element is the element that appears more than floor(N/2) times in array A.

📍The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm

The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm, devised by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1981, is a simple yet ingenious approach to solving the majority element problem. The algorithm operates on the principle that if we cancel out each occurrence of a majority element with all other elements, the majority element will remain as the final candidate.

📍Algorithm in Action

Problem Description

Given an array of size N, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than floor(n/2) times.

You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always exists in the array.

public class Solution {
    public int majorityElement(final int[] A) {
        int majorElement= A[0];
        int count = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < A.length; i ++) {
            if (majorElement == A[i]) {
                count += 1;
            else {
                count -= 1;
            if (count < 0) {
                majorElement = A[i];
                count = 1;
        return majorElement;
  1. Initialization:

    • Start by selecting the first element in the sequence as the candidate majority element.

    • Initialize a counter variable and set it to 1.

  2. Iteration:

    • Traverse through the remaining elements in the array A.

    • If the current element matches the candidate, increment the counter.

    • If the current element is different from the candidate, decrement the counter.

    • If the counter reaches zero, update the candidate to the current element and reset the counter to 1.

  3. Verification:

    • After iterating through all the elements, the candidate represents a potential majority element.

    • Iterate through the sequence once more to count the occurrences of the candidate element.

    • If the candidate occurs more than half the time, it is the majority element.

    • Otherwise, there is no majority element in the sequence.

📍Real-World Applications

The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm finds application in various real-world scenarios, such as:

  • Election voting systems to determine the winning candidate.

  • Data analysis to identify frequent items in large datasets.

  • Image processing to find dominant colours in an image.

  • Stream processing to detect anomalies or recurring patterns.

📍The Parallel between Majority Voting Algo and Real-World Vote Counting

The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm bears a resemblance to the way we count votes in the real world, making it highly applicable in election systems. Just as the algorithm iterates through the elements and cancels out non-majority elements, the voting process involves tallying votes for each candidate while eliminating choices that do not meet the threshold for victory. By identifying the majority candidate through a series of comparisons and adjustments, the algorithm reflects the essence of democratic decision-making, providing an insightful parallel between its principles and the fundamental principles of fair and accurate vote counting.


The Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm provides an efficient solution for identifying the majority element in a given sequence. Its clever design and intuitive principles allow us to find the majority element in linear time complexity O(N) and with constant space requirements O(1). Whether in election systems, data analysis, or other fields, this algorithm's practical applications make it a valuable tool in many problem-solving scenarios. Understanding and implementing the Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm can greatly enhance our ability to tackle similar problems efficiently.

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